As one of the core strategies for the success of in-house training is to embed the newly learned behaviours into company culture, there is no better way than conducting your training on-site to begin the process of embedding. Having your employees on-site to begin affecting immediate changes with the skills learned in our in-house training drastically improves the uptake of new ideas.
At CBIS, we offer all of our Lean Training, Six Sigma Training and Lean Six Sigma training courses on an organisation’s own premises as an In-house (on-site) option. In addition to the formal “Lean”, “Six Sigma” and “Lean Six Sigma” qualifications, we also offer short-term training courses and workshops for some of the most applicable Lean & Six Sigma tools and techniques such as Lean Six Sigma Champion, Introduction to Lean Six Sigma, 5S, Design of Experiment (DOE), Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Kaizen and many more.